Saturday, March 17, 2007

Ahhh....much better

So, here I am on Blogger.... mostly because I wasn't feeling "free" enough to write what I wanted to on Xanga. I knew most of who my audience was, and sometimes it's just not smart to give away so much of yourself to people. Ammunition, if you will.

Anyway, there are often things I really want to talk about, so now I've created a place where I can do it.

Not that I have anything to say just yet. But I will.

So keep checking back.... this site will probably be a litte more bare-bones, as I am not quite familiar with how it all works. But I'm working on that, too.

As for the name.... CeCe is what my sister used to call me when she was little and couldn't pronouce my name. Needless to say, she's perfectly able to use my real name now, but often uses CeCe anyway. Thus, a username was born.


Anonymous said...

Anne started calling me Kikki and it stuck too. Perhaps I will use that for my new blogger that you and Gwen have moved here....I feel I must follow....

MyThreeBlogs said...

Welcome to Blogger - I wonder if this could be the beginning of a Xanga exodus (perfect during Passover time! :))