Thursday, March 22, 2007

As you were

I'm not sure how I feel about John Edwards' decision to continue with his presidential campaign despite the return of cancer to his wife's body.

I know, I know. It's not my call.

I feel so horrible for Elizabeth...

She seems like such an amazing person and I hate that bad things happen to people. It's a very sad situation. She's a young woman with three kids. And as if this wasn't enough, they had a son who was killed in a car accident about 10 years ago. I do so admire their strength and resilience.

There's just something about the whole thing that isn't sitting well with me (besides the obvious). I can't quite put my finger on it, because while on the one hand I can appreciate their optimistic outlook and positive attitude, on the other, bone cancer (from what I heard on the news today) is something that can be treated but not cured.


Is my problem with thinking that he doesn't have his priorities in order? Or is it selfishness as a citizen of the US that if he does win, he would be going into the biggest job of his life with a HUGE distraction already in place? And if it is (God forbid) the type of disease that would cut her life short, wouldn't you want to be together as much as possible doing things other than, oh, I don't know, running for office or being in charge of a country?

Having never been married, I can't speak on what that dynamic is like. I'd like to think that if I was the wife of a presidential candidate, I would also encourage my husband to continue. But knowing me, I'd say it in a way that let him know that wasn't what I really wanted.

Anyone care to share their perspective on this? Or am I the only one trying to avoid my own issues by focusing on the problems of strangers?


MyThreeBlogs said...

It upset me at first, too - but then I read about how they are going to treat it like a chronic illness. Like diabetes. This cancer is not cureable, but you can live with it. She will go on with her life, and probably get semi-regular chemo. It won't be THAT life altering (at least not after they get the treatment plan in place, etc, etc...)

SO - given that - I think he's smart to keep going. Give people the "new" version of cancer, that it's something you can live with, and also his statement of "if she needs me I"m there - no matter what" (or something like that) is pretty strong & made me take a 2nd look at him.

Although (just thought of this...) if it was in the middle of say.... the Cuban Missle Crisis... not so sure how I'd feel about that....

Hmmm - ok, gotta re-think. But basically I'm ok with it.

Gwen said...

Oh hello, late to the game, but whatevs. Here's the thing about the bone cancer, which is actually breast cancer in the bones, so they call it bone disease. And I know this because my friend was on this path, only her cancer spreading didn't stop in her bones--it moved on to her liver. I'm not saying this is what will happen to Mrs. Edwards, but it's certainly a possibility. And bone disease, from what I can tell, is incredibly fucking painful. So I'm not all that impressed with JE, REGARDLESS of what his wife told him to do. It seems like poor judgment, which isn't really what we want again in a Prez.